Jumbo Trailer Mega Trailer Standard Trailer
Langes Auto Schwarzes Auto Pickup Auto

Want to
get things

Distribution & Logistics Manager

Your Benefits
Your Benefits

By joining Prime Logistik, you’ll gain a secure job where you’ll never be bored. And you also benefit from these advantages:

  • Very good and fair earnings
  • Great working atmosphere and respectful interaction
  • Individual development opportunities
  • Possibility to work remotely after the training phase
  • Mobile phone
  • Electronic Car (possible after a certain period at Prime Logistik)
  • Support for professional training
A typical day in the office
A typical day in the office

As Distribution & Logistics Manager you are responsible for the contact and smooth cooperation with our subcontractors. Your core tasks include:

  • Research and acquisition of new subcontractors/hauliers
  • Supporting our current hauliers/partners
  • Coordination with disposition regarding performance or changes
  • Analysis of the existing cooperation
Required Skills
Required Skills

As a Distribution & Logistics Manager at Prime Logistik, you shouldn’t be afraid of cold acquisitions and be able to present the following transport papers:

  • Business education
  • Knowledge in sales is an advantage
  • Willingness to travel
  • Language skills (German, English, Slavic language mandatory)
  • Negotiation skills & excellent communication skills
  • Independent way of working
  • Motivation and openness
  • Loyalty

5 good reasons to take the road with us


The table soccer games in our office are legendary. When our professional calls for a tournament, the office is buzzing.


We love after-work drinks in the evenings. Psst – that could be a good opportunity to get to know your future colleagues.


It doesn't always have to be “The Fast & Furious” - we also like to watch "non-corporate" movies together at the cinema.


It's a pity that Christmas only comes once a year! Our Christmas parties are the absolute highlights in the year and always fun.


We love having lunch together - especially when our passionate cooks prepare delicious meals.


It’s easy to apply, just fill out the application form below and send it. Alternatively, you can send your application by mail.

Please do not forget to add your CV and a letter of motivation! We are looking forward to getting to know you!

Application as
Distribution & Logistics Manager

    Upload CV (max. 5MB, PDF)*

    Upload letter of motivation (PDF)

    I have taken note of the privacy policy. I agree that my information and data may be collected and stored electronically during the application process and that my application documents may be kept on record.

    What’s next?


    We'll consult in-house to see if you're a good match for Prime Logistik.


    Unless your application suits us, we will inform you about our decision immediately.


    If it’s a match, we are looking forward to getting to know each other - either in the office or virtually.


    If both of us are still interested, you will do a work trial in our office half a day and get to know the team during lunch.


    We decide in the team about your hiring.


    If we decide to hire you, we will discuss the further details together and sign the employment contract. And celebrate your new work.

    Not the right job? Send us your application anyway!

    Our jobs don't match your profile right now? That can change. Just send us your application via e-mail

    We'll be in touch. If your applicant profile suits us.

    Apply now



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